Weeding time approaches. I've done nothing for months to the little patch of our land that we've made into a Mediterranean garden (containing, basically, any plant with sharply pointed leaves). Once the rains come in autumn - and they sure kept on coming in 2008 - the weeds shoot up at an alarming rate and no amount of daily weeding would be enough to keep on top of the situation. So, I choose to ignore the weeds and see only the plants throughout the winter.
But March is here, the sap is rising, and so is my inclination to have a Sort Out. In fact, the garden could potentially double in size, because The Boss went a bit gung ho with the pruning saw and has managed to turn a huge shrub into a proper tree - freeing up a lot of ground space beneath it. It's way too tempting to leave it barren . . .
And as if to enforce my decision to expand the garden, Hans and Inga - a charming German couple who live further down the valley - have kindly given us a stack of agaves after their annual tidy-up.
So, it's computer off - and gardening gloves on . . .
Jan Edwards
Copyright 2009
Your garden looks lovely!
Thank you! It´s hard work, but we´re getting there . . .!
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